Sunday, July 5, 2009

Kelle's Shugenja

Kelle painted this shugenja from a 4-pack made for the Legends of the Five Rings miniatures game. My wife is exceptionally talented - this was her first miniature. She added the flowers to the robe, leaping ahead of where I am now... but she did it four years ago. She totally got in a way I didn't for a long time that it's OK for his hair to be red - it's clearly not natural, anyway.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Back in '06 I played a dwarf cleric of Moradin, and I used a (largely unpainted) Chainmail miniature - a Mordengard Cleric of Moradin - which I finished today except for the flocking. I have brown flock (see Romindell) and I want to use a different color to contrast with the brown/red theme on this miniature. I can see in the image that I messed up the left eye and I'm going out to fix it right now. Small dots don't mix well with shaky hands.

It's hard to see in this lighting, but there's a design on the hammer I tried to bring out. I imagine this is an adamantine hammer with mithril chasing. The shot from behind shows it off the best and it's really apparent in real life.

I'm experimenting with the camera and lighting - this was taken in shade at 1:30 PM with a flashlight pointed at the mini. I'm going to create a light box, but I want to paint while the light is good.

I'm also experimenting with the blog post layout options. So far I don't like any of 'em.

Romindell (Elladan, Dark Heaven Legends)

My first real content and it's mostly images of a D&D miniature I painted. He's a Reaper mini, I cannot recall which (edit: Elladan, Dark Heaven Legends line). Opinions are welcome, advice always appreciated! This is my vision of a character named Romindell, played by my good friend Will Floyd in the Seattle 3.5 D&D World Tree campaign I ran.